Product Info
The XetaEdge9 combines the XetaEdge and Xeta9 to provide an extremely capable and flexible industrial Edge Computing application device with an integrated 900 MHz Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) and Digital Transmission System (DTS) software defined radio. The XetaEdge9 is compatible with the Xeta9 family of radios in the ISM and MAS band and is Class 1 Div 2 certified.
The XetaEdge9 is 100% open source allowing quick and simple hosting of many existing or new applications including the AUTOSOL eACM and the interacting with existing devices like flow meters, ROCs, and PLCs while reducing bandwidth needs with the use of the MQTT protocol.
The XetaEdge9 supports multiple modulation schemes with auto configuration, MultiSpeed MultiPointTM mode, and simultaneous peer to peer transmission within a network using XetaMESH.
- High Speed Over-the-air data rates from 10 kbps to 5.3 Mbps plus higher throughput with payload compression and in the XetaEMP mode.
- Dual Mode Frequency hopping and single channel operations in the 902 to 928 MHz unlicensed ISM band.
- Networks Point to Point, Point to MultiPoint, Enhanced MultiPoint (XetaEMP), CSMA Peer to Peer, and XetaMESH.
- Memory Capacity Host and run applications with 1 GB RAM and 4 GB Flash with an option for 8GB or 16GB plus a micro SD slot.
- Apps AUTOSOL eACM, Node-RED, Inductive Automation Ignition Edge, AVEVA IoT View, and more are supported.
- Open Source Utilize existing Linux applications or host new ones developed in Java, Python, Ruby, Perl, and many more.